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My healing sessions can be conducted in Person ( which will be in Glastonbury) or distant healing.


Distant Healing  is conducted at an arranged time where I will sit with Spirit while you are arranged to sit in the stillness and quiet to receive the healing energy of the Spirit. 


I have worked with the facutly of healing now for over 30 years. I began my healing journey working with a famous 'Psychic Surgeon'. I travelled the UK with him and his lovely wife assisting them in their Healing Clinics. This is how I did my initiation in to Healing. I supported their work with my skills sets of Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Healing. 


I work with 'Spiritual Healing' which is where I link with the energy of my 'Healing Guides' and I am but the channel for their energy to pass from the Spirit, through me to you. It really is a very simple and beautiful method of healing. 


During a healing session with me I will work with the Energy of the Spirit to heal the root the cause of any dis-comfort you may be experiencing both mentally, emotionally and physically.


I will discuss your medicial history before a session, however, I am often provided with information from the Spirit during the session about your health and wellbeing. 






Healing Session 45 minutes in Person or Distant

  • Healing sessions can be received in person or distantly please let me know what is your preferance once you have booked your appointment 

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