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Louisa Sullivan

The Art of Mediumship

The Art of Mediumship 

When we first begin to create awareness of our psychic and mediumship abilities it is vital that we allow this opening to be gentle and nurture what is happening to us. It is a gift and should be treated as such. 

I like to compare the unfoldment of mediumship to that of the opening of a gentle and beautiful flower opening its petals one by one, gently. Our development is no different and when each ability presents it self to the individual then that ability needs to be nurtured so that it can develop and grow in the right way. 

Mediumship is a calling of mankind to serve the Great Spirit. 

In the training of mediumship if we have the right vehicle to be clairvoyant we have to also be a receiver so that we can blend with spirit and blend the mind in other levels of consciousness. 

Clairvoyance (clear seeing/vision) - you can be a clairvoyant without being a medium. A psychic can be a clairvoyant but not necessarily a medium. With mediumship we are talking about people who are in communication with the other dimensions of life. 

A psychic is sensitive to environments and sensitive to situations`` that people are engaged with. Mediumship deals with contact to prove that we are a spiritual being and that the body dies but the other etheric or spiritual body lives on in the otherworld. 

Clairaudience (clear hearing & speaking) can only come to people who are truly mediumistic as there are sounds and vibrations that are coming from higher levels. The fallacy is that a clairaudient hears with their ears and of course we know that this is untrue. 

An exercise to do is to put cotton wool in the ears and bind them so that nothing can be heard. Then listen to the voices that come from the higher levels. It can be the voice box which is used by the spirit world during clairaudience. 

The throat is used when a clairaudient is developing and we need to watch where the light is shown in that person as they begin to tune into the other world. If the light is shown around the throat area then this person will have the gift of clairaudience. 

Clairvoyance can be on a psychic level. The psychic can see what is going on in a persons life. But when have it in mediumship we have a very clear vision and we are able to look ahead and see clearly as we are receiving the thoughts from the higher dimensions of life. The medium then needs to be able to interpret what they are being given. 

The medium is but the vessel for the spirit world. The medium must not try to manufacture the spirit world or to force it through. The medium must first learn to tune into the etheric world. If we are to communicate with someone who is not of this world then surely we have to develop the means and the senses so that we can communicate with them. We need to move away from the material world and to raise consciousness onto another level where the senses work lighter and quicker on a higher frequency where the other world is. 

We must provide the power to allow the other world to come to us in vision form. We need to learn how to ascend away from the physical world onto the other dimensions of the etheric world and in this way we are the vessel and the spirit world can fill us with the information they are pouring into us. 

We become the receptor and are filled with the essence of the spirit world. We do not have any preconceived ideas and we must not tell the spirit world what to do or what to say. We are merely there to receive and we then have to learn how to put it across so that we are voicing the thoughts and the feelings of those who have come to us. We must never put our own interpretations into the spirit communication. 

We need to develop our own spiritual aspect of our lives. This is a lifestyle and as we grow and develop as a spiritualised person we can also develop the mediumship faculty more deeply. For example: how can we pour out the love of a child in spirit if we have not felt the love of a child before? How can we give the love of a sister or brother if we have never before experienced that love ourselves. Our life experiences help to shape us as the medium we are today. 

The spirit people are vibrant and alive and we need to give their communication as they give it to us. We simply pass on what we are receiving and we must not allow our own conscious mind to colour what we are receiving, we must not jump to conclusions and we have to give it as it is. 

If you are interested in finding out more about how to develop your psychic and spiritual gifts please see the Accredited & Certified course below.

Warmest Blessings


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